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Living Well Diabetes Prevention

Living Well Diabetes Prevention

“I'm taking better care of myself. I've learned that I actually can do this.”

Call (607) 547-3948 for more information or to talk with a member of our team.

Living Well Diabetes Prevention is a year-long lifestyle change program designed for those who want support delaying or preventing type 2 diabetes. In the first phase of the program, participants meet for one hour weekly for 16 weeks to create healthy changes in their life. In phase two, they meet once monthly for 8 months to support and maintain these healthy changes. You will learn new ways to support physical, mental, and emotional health.

With this program you will receive: 

  • A CDC-approved curriculum focused on implementing daily lifestyle changes 
  • Skills needed to lose weight, be more physically active, and manage stress 
  • Guidance and encouragement from a trained lifestyle coach
  • Knowledge about physical activity, nutrition, and diet
  • Tips for healthy eating, including when eating away from home
  • Emotional and stress management techniques
  • Training on coping with triggers
  • Tracking tools such as activity logs and action plans
  • Support from other participants with similar goals 

Living Well Diabetes Prevention Workshop Eligibility & Registration

Eligibility and registration is required.

Eligibility Requirements

To be eligible for a CDC-recognized lifestyle change program, you must meet ALL of the following criteria:

  • Be 18 years or older
  • Be overweight (body mass index above 24, or 22 if you are of Asian descent)
  • Have NOT been diagnosed with type 1 or type 2 diabetes
  • NOT be pregnant

In addition, you must meet ONE of the following criteria:

  • Have had a recent blood test in the prediabetes range, which includes one of the following tests and results: 
    • Hemoglobin A1C: 5.7–6.4% or
    • Fasting plasma glucose: 100–125 mg/dL or
    • Two-hour plasma glucose (after a 75 gm glucose load): 140–199 mg/dL
  • Have received a result of high risk for type 2 diabetes on the Prediabetes Risk Test.
  • A doctor previously diagnosed you with gestational diabetes.


Registration is required. At this time there is no fee, just a commitment to participate throughout the workshop. Should this program become a reimbursable service, Bassett Medical Center will advise you of your financial obligation, if any. You will have the opportunity to decide whether to continue participating in the program.

  • Online Workshop Using Zoom
    • The Diabetes Prevention workshop is held online from 12:00pm – 1:00pm using the Zoom platform.
    • The first 16 weeks (4 months) will be weekly, then we'll switch to monthly for the remaining 8 months.

For more information, please visit our Living Well FAQ page.

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