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Living Well With & After Cancer

Learn More & Sign-Up for a Workshop

Contact our team:

Call: (607) 547-3948 Call: 1-800-BASSETT

Visit our Resources for Cancer Caregivers Page

To help our local family caregivers who are caring for a loved one with cancer, the Bassett Cancer Institute has assembled a page of local & national resources, tips & nutritional information, & answers to FAQs. Learn more:

Resources for Cancer Caregivers

Join a Cancer Support Group

In addition to our Living Well With & After Cancer workshop, the Bassett Cancer Institute offers a separate Cancer Support Group that offers social & emotional support & referrals to other cancer support services & specialists. Visit their webpage for more information:

Learn More

Techniques to Manage Day-to-Day Cancer-Related Symptoms

Living Well With and After Cancer provides social and emotional support and ways to deal with symptoms of cancer and its treatment. Learn and practice techniques to manage fatigue, pain, sleeplessness, shortness of breath, stress, and emotional problems such as depression, anger, fear, and frustration.

Self-management techniques will include:

  • Fear of recurrence
  • Changes in body image
  • Appropriate exercise for maintaining and improving strength and endurance
  • Healthy eating
  • Making decisions about treatment and complementary therapies
  • Working more effectively with health care providers
  • Communicating with friends and family
  • Dealing with negative emotions
  • Action-planning, problem-solving, decision-making

How This Workshop Can Help You

Each 6-week workshop series will meet once a week. Review the workshop overview to see what topics are discussed each week.

“This workshop was just what I needed. After a new cancer diagnosis after just finishing treatments for my previous one, I was devastated to learn of yet another cancer diagnosis requiring more treatment with years of follow-up and wasn't sure how I was going to proceed. This workshop presented to me at just the right time and taught me the tools I need to move forward and live with a chronic condition.”

Living Well With & After Cancer Workshop Registration

We offer two ways to participate. There is no fee, just a commitment.

Click on your preferred method of participation and complete the webform to register for our workshops:

For more information on each delivery mode, please visit our Living Well FAQ page.

Donate to Living Well

Support our Work

To donate to the Living Well program and support our work, please click the below link, select "Other" as the designation, and type "Living Well" into the "other designation" box.

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