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Let's Go 5-2-1-0

Let's Go 5-2-1-0

The School Based Health Center staff is very excited about the 5-2-1-0 healthy lifestyles program. It encourages a series of key health messages that will help staff, students, and parents become more aware of the importance of a healthy lifestyle each and every day.

5-2-1-0 is a positive approach that will encourage kids and families to eat well and move more by making these four simple (but very important) choices everyday habits!

So, let’s go with 5-2-1-0!

5 or more fruits and vegetables; 2 hours or less of recreational screen time*; 1 hour or more of physical activity; 0 sugary drinks, more water and low fat milk. *Keep TV/Computer out of the bedroom. No screen time under the age of 2.