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FAQs About School-Based Health

Frequently Asked Questions

To receive services, the parent or guardian must complete the initial enrollment form (available as a PDF version and as an online webform version). After that, enrollment must be updated each year. Students who do not have a completed SBHC enrollment on file will not be able to use the SBHC. Enrollment in the SBHC is voluntary and can be completed at any time. There are no eligibility requirements except to be a student enrolled in the school.

A parent may call their child’s school nurse or the SBHC staff or send a note to arrange for the child to be seen at the SBHC. Parents are welcome to accompany their children to the SBHC. If a child is too ill to attend school and the parent would like him/her to be seen by the SBHC staff, parents may call the school nurse or the SBHC to arrange for a same-day appointment.

A Bassett Healthcare Network SBHC is a health care office in the school building. It is a partnership between a school district and Bassett Healthcare Network. A SBHC provides comprehensive healthcare services to students in pre-kindergarten through 12th grade at the school. The SBHC can become your child’s main healthcare provider and is able to take care of all primary health needs, even when school is not in session. For children with a primary care provider outside of SBH, the SBHC can work with them in your child’s care.

  • Complete Physical Examinations (may be used for NYS mandated school physicals, sports physicals, camp/college physicals, working papers)
  • Recommended health screenings
  • Comprehensive health care, including diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic illness
  • Reproductive health care
  • Health education
  • Referrals
  • HIV Testing (offered to all patients 13 years of age or older per New York State Department of Health Law)
  • Preventive dental services and referrals
  • First Aid
  • Immunizations
  • Mental health screenings, consultation, and referrals
  • Counseling / psychotherapy services
  • Child Health Plus information and enrollment assistance
  • TeleHealth for select specialty services (like pulmonology) in partnership with the University of Rochester

There will never be any out-of-pocket expenses for SBHC services. The SBHC program will bill the student’s health insurance for services provided on site at the SBHC. If the student does not have health insurance, there will be no charge to the student’s family for the health services provided. Billing services are provided through Bassett Healthcare Network.

  • It is important to note that the cost of services provided outside of the SBHC, such as laboratory tests, X-rays, specialty consultations, and prescriptions, are the responsibility of the parent.
  • We recommend that you become familiar with your child’s health insurance coverage.

Yes. The school nurse will continue to provide all students with the same services as in the past regardless of the student’s enrollment in the SBHC.

  • A Nurse Practitioner (NP) / Physician Assistant (PA) will be on site to diagnose and treat illnesses, prescribe medications, and coordinate care. The NP/PA will work with a Bassett Healthcare Network Pediatrician.
  • A Bassett Healthcare Network Physician will be available for consultation as needed and will be on site at the school regularly to provide direct patient services.
  • A Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) and / or a Registered Nurse (RN) will assist with health care.
  • An Ambulatory Office Assistant (AOA) will provide support to the program along with assisting families.
  • A Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) or a Licensed Mental Health Counselor (LMHC) is available to provide individual and group mental health counseling. The mental health clinician is available for parent and family consultations and can provide evaluation of students as needed.
  • A Dental Hygienist (RDH) is available to provide preventive dental services, referrals, and individual and classroom oral health education.
  • A Dentist provides dental care at limited sites.
  • A Dietitian provides nutrition counseling and coaching and travels among all sites.

The SBHC will be open on days school is in session for onsite services. There will always be at least two SBHCs open to see patients – even during school breaks and summer vacation – except on the six major holidays. Staff and providers will be available to answer questions, renew prescriptions, and provide guidance. They can be contacted by calling the SBHC toll-free number at 1-844-255-7242.

When the SBHC is not open, Bassett Healthcare Network offers back-up care. If the school is closed and your child needs emergency treatment, call 911. If your child’s need is not a medical emergency and it is a work holiday, call 1-800-BASSETT (1-800-227-7388) or your outside health care provider.

All medical records are confidential, as they are part of Bassett’s electronic medical records system. In order to provide quality, comprehensive healthcare to the students enrolled, the SBHC staff would be happy to send a copy of your child’s medical visits to their primary care health provider.

Before any records are sent, a parent must sign the Student Information FormMyBassett is a secure online health connection that allows you to see information from your electronic medical record.

New York State has a health insurance plan for kids, NY State of Health Marketplace (Affordable Care Act) www.nystateofhealth.ny.gov.

The Marketplace will then direct you to Child Health Plus if the qualifying guidelines are met. You may also call your SBHC; they can direct you to a Health Insurance Navigator.

Need More Information?

If you have questions about the SBHC, feel free to call the SBHC office for further information. Remember, there will never be any out-of-pocket expenses to any family for SBHC services provided on site.

Should you receive a bill for these services, please contact the SBHC office immediately. If you receive a check directly from your insurance company for services provided at the SBHC, you should deposit the check and send a personal check, made payable to MIBH, to your child’s SBHC.

We look forward to working with you to assure that your child is receiving the best health care possible.