Cherry Valley-Springfield Central School-Based Health

Additional phone numbers:
When school is not in session: 844-255-7242 (844-ALL-SBHC)
After hours: 1-800-227-7288, or 1-800-BASSETT
Cherry Valley-Springfield Central School-Based Health Services:
Cherry Valley-Springfield Central School-Based Health offers the following services:
- Acute illness management
- Behavioral health
- Children’s health and pediatrics
- Chronic illness management
- Convenient care
- Dietary counseling
- Health and wellness
- Medication follow-ups
- Mental health counseling
- Preventative dental care
- Primary care
- TeleMedicine
Cherry Valley-Springfield Central School-Based Health Team:
- Collaborating Physician: Chris Kjolhede, MD
- LPN: Sarah Ford
- Physician Assistant: Heather Fargo
- Dental Hygienist: MaryBeth Duszynski
- Ambulatory Office Assistant: Keri Butler
- Registered Dietician: Olivia Gates
Enroll Your Student Today:
HANYS Shines a Spotlight on Bassett's School-Based Health Program
The Healthcare Association of New York State (HANYS) focused a Member Spotlight on our School-Based Health (SBH) Program, stating:
"Bassett’s SBH program delivers primary health services to as many students as possible. Being the first line of defense against avoidable hospital admissions, emergency room and acute care visits, Bassett’s SBH centers provide consistent care for students and ensure that chronic issues are cared for properly."
Learn more about our services by watching HANYS' spotlight video: