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Types of Volunteers

Types of Volunteers at Bassett

Adult Volunteers

We welcome members of our communities who are looking for an opportunity to make a difference by volunteering their time in many different ways throughout Bassett Healthcare Network.

Student Volunteers

High school, college, and graduate student volunteers can gain insight and experience in a health care setting and explore career paths in health care while assisting in a variety of departments.

No One Dies Alone (NODA) Volunteers

NODA volunteers provide comfort and reassurance as volunteer companions to dying patients.

Pet Therapy Volunteers

Pet therapy dogs and their owners make a meaningful impact everywhere they go: pet therapy can reduce distress, lower blood pressure, and relieve anxiety for our patients, families, visitors, and staff.

Volunteer Highlight

Click on the below images to see some of our volunteers in action, and learn more about what they do to bring comfort and support to our patients!

Become a Bassett Volunteer Today!

At Bassett Healthcare Network, our volunteers make the difference. They provide support, comfort, and compassion to our patients, families, visitors, and our communities. Our volunteers assist in a variety of departments across Bassett. Bassett offers a wide range of exciting volunteer opportunities including administration, emergency services, food services, human resources, information services, nursing, patient experience, pet therapy, spiritual care, and many more. For more information on our Bassett Volunteer opportunities, please contact the Bassett Volunteer office at (607) 547-3219 or email kyle.leisner@bassett.org.

Apply online to become a Bassett volunteer!