About A.O. Fox Hospital

About Us
Oneonta celebrated the laying of the cornerstone for a new 22-bed hospital on October 5, 1900.
A prominent local politician and businessman, Colonel Reuben Fox, recognized the need for a community hospital in Oneonta. His wife, Aurelia Osborn Fox, had been an active community leader for many years until her passing. He offered the city $10,000 as a memorial to Aurelia if the city would provide a suitable site for the building.
From that early foundation, Fox has grown into an entire community of health care services. Fox Hospital expanded when it also purchased and renovated the former Pyramid Mall in Oneonta, which was relaunched as the FoxCare Center. Now FoxCare Center is home to many physician practices, a fitness center, an education center, lab and x-ray services, pharmacy, cancer care center, and a dental practice .
At the heart of Fox is the mission to provide excellent health care to our families, friends, and neighbors.
Available Services:
- Emergency Department
- Pulmonary Medicine
- Ambulatory Surgery
- Pregnancy/Prenatal Care
- Inpatient Surgery
- Imaging Services
- Laboratory & Pathology
- Rehabilitation
- Thoracic Surgery
- Sleep Disorders Center
- Spinal Surgery (including robotics)
- Orthopedic surgery (including robotics)