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Physicians and Advanced Practice Clinicians Recruitment

Why Choose Bassett?

  • Group-employed model (GEM) of physicians, providers, ancillary team members, hospitals, and health centers serving patients across eight counties.
  • Academic medical center advancing the health care of people living in rural Central New York.
  • State-of-the-art technology supporting and adapting to an ever-changing health care delivery system.
  • Expansive and integrated health care network covering 5,600 square miles and comprised of:
    • Five affiliated hospitals
    • More than 30 regional health centers
    • More than 20 school-based health centers
    • New York Center for Agricultural Medicine and Health (NYCAMH)
    • Bassett Research Institute                   

Being a Physician or APC in a Rural Setting

Doctors who come to Bassett from large urban environments are most surprised that we do everything that large medical centers do; including state-of-the-art research. In fact, pioneering is in our DNA.

We also not only offer impressive paid time off benefits — we actually encourage a work-life balance that works specifically for you and your family.

What sets Bassett Apart

Contact Medical Staff Recruitment

Medical Staff Credentialing


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