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Holter Monitoring

A Holter monitor is a small wearable electrocardiogram (ECG) which tracks and records your heart rhythm. Your doctor uses the information captured by the Holter to determine whether or not you have a problem with your heart rhythm.

Although wearing the Holter might feel a little inconvenient, it can be an important test to help diagnose an underlying heart condition. You will need to wear the Holter for at least 24 hours and complete a personal diary. 

Tips for Using Your Monitor

Electrical sources

Electrical sources can affect the recording so please stay away from: electric blankets, magnets, metal detectors, and high-voltage areas (such as power lines).

Act Normally

Follow your normal routine. Do not avoid stress, work, or exercise.

Sleeping and Washing 

Try not to sleep on your back. Do not take a shower or bath. A sponge bath is OK.


  • Make an entry every time change activity for example sitting, walking, or taking medicine
  • Note any symptoms that you feel
  • Write down the time every time you note an activity or a new symptom
  • The doctor will compare the changes in your heartbeat with your activities

What to do if an electrode falls off or if the unit begins making noise:

If an electrode falls off or the unit starts to make a noise, call Bassett Healthcare Network at (607) 547-3180 to see what you should do.