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New Years Resolution TipTake this New Years tip from Bassett Cardiologist, Merle Myerson about to make your New Year's Resolution a new way of life:

"January is the time for New Year's resolutions. Resolutions can be a good thing and there is no better time than now. One helpful way to do this is to change your lifestyle. For example, instead of going on a diet for three months, change the way you eat. This can include ways you shop (read labels), prepare food (choose bake, broil, steam, grill), portion size, healthful snacks (fruit, whole grains, nuts, raisins), and low salt. For exercise — make it part of your life. Take the stairs instead of elevators, walk during lunch, take the family on hikes, go walk through the zoo, or go on bike rides. Put together an exercise program that works for you and your schedule — join a gym, buy a stationary bicycle, find out if your school has early morning "walk the halls" programs.  It is better to commit to a regular program, be it every day or three times a week, than to get started with a blast and fade out by March."

- Merle Myerson, MD

Dr. Myerson

Doctor Merle Myerson is Bassett's attending cardiologist. Doctor Myerson is also the director of the Preventive Cardiology Program & Lipid Clinic, and the Pre-Exercise Heart Screening Program here at Bassett. Learn more about these programs here.