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Assaulting Health Care Workers is Not Ok

Assaulting Health Care Workers is Not Ok

At Bassett Healthcare Network, safety is our number one priority. Over the course of the last year, we’ve seen an increase in violence against our caregivers and practitioners.

Sadly, this is a trend in health care facilities across the nation.

Our Commitment to Safety

Bassett Healthcare Network has a policy of zero tolerance for any form of abuse, whether it’s verbal or physical.

All patients and staff have the right to be cared for and work in a safe, supportive environment. Attacking staff in health care settings can result in removal from the facility and prosecution.

In certain situations, assaulting a nurse is a Class D felony under New York State law.

A nurse in mask standing in a hallway

Violence Against Health Care Workers



of Nurses reported
experiencing verbal abuse
from patients between
Feb. - May / June 2020



of Nurses reported
experiencing physical violence
from patients between
Feb. - May / June 2020



Health care workers & those
who work in social assistance
are 5x more likely to experience
workplace violence than other workers

Bed Icon


of Emergency Physicians
have reported acts of
violence against them

To learn more about these statistics and the silent epidemic of workplace violence against health care workers, visit nurse.org.

We’re here to care for you, so please show some care for us.

BMC Nurse

It's NOT ok to:

  • Hit me
  • Kick me
  • Spit at me
  • Yell at me
  • Curse at me
  • Attack me
Nurse in a hallway

Take a Stand Against Workplace Violence

No one should experience any type of workplace violence, including verbal abuse, physical assault, or sexual harassment.

Stand with us against violence. #BeKind to others.